Hays County RM 150 West Alignment
KFA works with the Hays County community to improve FM 150
Project Purpose
Hays County needs to improve safety and mobility for a five-mile portion of RM 150 through the county and the city of Kyle. The focus of the project is to provide a schematic design, environmental documentation and clearances, public involvement coordination, and right-of-way mapping for the relocation of the approximate 5-mile portion of Ranch to Market (RM) 150 that runs from Arroyo Ranch Road east through the city of Kyle to Interstate Highway 35. Once complete, the project will enhance safety, relieve congestion and improve system linkage.
Project Approach
KFA is providing professional services for schematic development, preparation of NEPA environmental documentation, coordination of environmental approvals with TxDOT and related agencies, determination of right-of-way requirements, and preparation of right-of-way mapping for the realignment. In 2013, Hays County Transportation Pan identified a need for RM 150 to be expanded to a four-lane divided road. The RM 150 Alignment Study began in 2014 with a large study area to identify the preferred alignment location. In 2015, four different corridors were evaluated and three public meetings were held to identify the preferred corridor. Hays County and TxDOT coordinated to identify roles, responsibilities and funding for the continuation of the environmental study. The biggest challenges facing the project included working with the community to provide understanding of the overall need for the project and ensuring all parties agreed on moving forward, balancing local transportation needs with countywide and regional transportation needs, minimizing impacts to the natural and built environment, and settling on a schematic design that matches the context of the community.
Project Results
Project is ongoing.