Williamson County Corridor-H Study, Sam Bass Road
Expansion of Sam Bass Road for Improved Safety and Mobility
Project Purpose
KFA was selected to perform corridor planning, public involvement and schematic design for ROW determination as part of the county’s corridor program. Corridor H consists of Sam Bass Road from Wyoming Springs Blvd to FM 1431 in Round Rock Texas and is part of Williamson County Precinct 1. The existing roadway is a two-lane facility and is ultimately programmed to be a six-lane arterial per the Williamson County Arterial Plan and the city of Round Rock Transportation Master Plan.
Project Approach
As part of the Corridor study, KFA met individually with property owners in the area to hear their concerns and gather feedback on current safety and mobility issues on the roadway. KFA also worked with the County GEC to coordinate long-range travel demand modeling and existing and future Level of Service (LOS) analyses for the Corridor. Through ongoing communications with County GEC and staff, KFA prepared a recommendation to construct a three-lane roadway with intersection improvements at four intersections. This recommendation would construct half of the ultimate roadway in the near term while providing for ROW preservation for the future phase. KFA presented the recommendation to county staff and the County Commissioner before presenting it individually to impacted adjacent property owners. The recommendation was then presented to the community-at-large at an open house. KFA will coordinate a topographic survey as well as geotechnical and environmental investigations along the corridor. Finally, KFA will prepare schematic engineering for both the near term and future phases for the purpose of ROW acquisition and preservation.
Project Results
KFA completed the schematic in 2019. Funding for final design and construction of the improvements to the corridor was identified as part of the Williamson County Road Bond Program approved by voters in 2019. The project is currently in design and is anticipated to begin construction in 2022.