City of Buda CAMPO Assistance
Developing Funding Applications with the city of Buda
Project Purpose
The city of Buda contacted KFA to assist with the development of funding applications that were submitted to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) for this Project Call. Late in 2017 The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) issued a Project Call for projects to local government and agencies within its six-county regions as part of the development of its 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Project Approach
KFA led the development of the applications by participating in CAMPO sponsored informational webinars, gathering information from the city and other sources, supporting city staff in answering questions at city council meetings and drafting the funding applications for city review, approval and submission to CAMPO.
Project Results
To be awarded funding, local governments and agencies were required to submit applications that highlighted the scope of the project, its impacts toward improving the transportation system, and the level of readiness of projects seeking funding, among other things. Of the five applications submitted to CAMPO by the city of Buda, two roadways, one-active transportation and two planning studies were approved for funding by the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board, totaling over $2.2 Million in funds awarded to the city.
Quick Facts
- KFA assisted with the development of funding applications that were submitted to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO).
- KFA led the development of the applications by through webinars, supporting city staff and drafting, approval and submission of applications.
- Of the five applications submitted, two roadways, one-active transportation and two planning studies were approved for funding totaling over $2.2 Million in funds awarded to the city.
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