In 2012, K Friese + Associates completed a Wastewater Master Plan for the City of Hutto and surrounding areas. It was projected in this Plan that the capacity of the existing wastewater treatment facilities will be exceeded in year 2015, and that actions must be taken to meet the projected future wastewater flows generated within the City’s service area. To increase the wastewater treatment capacity, the Master Plan recommended, and the City elected, to build a new treatment facility with a capacity of 2 million gallons per day with provisions for expansion in the future.
In March of 2013, KFA was selected by the City to provide design, bid and construction phase services for this new wastewater treatment facility. Keys to the project include an accelerated design, bid and construction schedule to meet the wastewater flow projections; odor, noise, and light mitigation to minimize impacts on the surrounding area; and developing this greenfield project to meet the City’s current and future needs while staying with budget expectations.