Joseph Cantalupo, AICP
Senior Vice President
A community leader and certified planner with 35 years of experience, Joe has been a central figure in facilitating discussion, building consensus, and developing innovative solutions for the growing communities of Central Texas.
Joe’s passion for his profession, combined with his dedication and perspective, offers KFA clients an incredible resource as they plan for the long-term growth of their communities. With experience in statewide, regional, and community transportation improvement programs, he has worked on a wide variety of projects, giving him an outstanding reputation as a collaborative leader. Joe’s expertise lies in long-range transportation planning, coordination of land use with transportation planning, development of statewide policies and programs, and corridor and area studies.
Joe oversees the overall management of KFA transportation and planning projects and the building of our practice areas in response to the needs of our public sector clients. Trained in the Systematic Development of Informed Consent, Joe frequently assists clients with complex projects involving interjurisdictional coordination to improve regional safety and mobility. Prior to joining KFA, Joe served as the Executive Director for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), where he directed the first transportation plan for Central Texas to link land use to transportation investments.
An active member of the community, Joe is involved in several transportation organizations. Currently, he is a member of the Austin Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee, the San Antonio Mobility Coalition (SAMCO), the Greater San Marcos Partnership, and Heart of the Texas and San Antonio Chapters of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS). Joe received the Honorable Ray LaHood Man of the Year Award from the WTS Heart of Texas Chapter in recognition of his efforts towards advancing women and minorities in the transportation field and his outstanding contributions to the transportation industry. He was also a founding board member and past board chair of Movability Austin, a transportation management association focused on improving the mobility of downtown Austin and the corridors leading to it by helping employers connect their employees with transportation options.
Joe received his Master’s in Regional Planning degree from the State University of New York at Albany and his B.S. in Geology from the University of New York College at Cortland.