Greg Blackburn, PE

With nearly a decade of experience engineering complex water and wastewater projects for municipal clients in Central Texas, Greg’s knowledge and professionalism enhance large and small project teams alike.
Greg Blackburn, PE is an experienced Project Engineer in our Water and Wastewater Business Practice, specializing in wastewater treatment plant design; water and wastewater pump station design; water, wastewater, and reclaimed water pipeline design and rehabilitation; and water and wastewater modeling and master plans. Throughout his tenure at KFA, Greg has consistently embraced client objectives and challenges to find smart, sustainable solutions. Most notably, Greg worked on the Brushy Creek Regional WWTP Expansion, the BCRUA Deep Water Intake Phase 2, and the City of Austin Oltorf Reclaimed Waterline Phase 2 projects.
As a seasoned project manager, and key collaborator, Greg is also an active member of the Austin Chapter of ASCE, including holding positions on the Younger Member Forum Board for several years.